Guardians of Language Change: Roman Perspectives on Linguistic Variety and Development

A Colloquium in Honor of the 30th Anniversary of Robert Kaster’s Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity

University of Cologne, Institut für Altertumskunde, July 19–20, 2018

Thursday, 19 July

14:00–14:15 Adam Gitner: Welcome and Introduction

14:15–15:45 Panel 1: Grammarians on Language Change

Tommaso Mari: “Consentius’ De barbarismis et metaplasmis: The Views of a Late Grammarian on Language Variation”

Rolando Ferri: “Grammatical Language and Linguistic Theory in Roman Jurists’ Commentaries of the Edict

Anna Zago: “Antiquus = squalidus? Pompeius’ Attitude towards Antiquity”

16:15–17:45 Panel 2: Varro

Wolfgang de Melo: “Varro and the Sabine Language in the De lingua Latina

Katharina Volk: “Varro the Conservative?”

Andreas Zanker: “Varro’s Word Trees and Natural and Voluntary Declinatio

Friday, 20 July

9:00–10:15 Keynote J. E. G. Zetzel “Counterfeit and Coinage: Gresham’s Law and the Grammarian”

10:45–12:15 Panel 3: Grammarians on Language Contact

Bruno Rochette: “The Use of Greek in Diomedes’ Ars Grammatica

Tim Denecker: “T(w)o Be or Not T(w)o Be? The dualis numerus According to Latin Grammarians up to the Early Middle Ages”

Adam Gitner: “Words as Citizens: A Metaphor for Lexical Borrowing”

13:30–14:30 Panel 4 Beyond the Grammarians

Leofranc Holford-Strevens: “Roman Perspectives on Grammar and Grammarians: Gellius and Afterwards”

Joshua T. Katz: “Familiarity Breeds Respect: Augustine on Linguistic Relationship”

14:45–15:30 Endnote Robert Kaster Guardians of Language After Thirty Years”

15:30 Concluding remarks